![]() | 本厂成立于1996年,较早的从事于微型不锈钢和焊接管的生产和加工,有着丰富的制造经验,秉承质量第一的原则和竭诚为客户制造优良产品的生意之道。相信我们的合作将为您带来更多的利润价值。 过十几年的经营发展,现已颇具规模,在产品质量、经营管理、节能降耗等方面已达到很高水准。主要生产设备有LB-25、45、75、200T冷拔机、连续式辊底固熔炉等完整成套不锈钢生产线,严格按GB/T14975-94、GB/T14976-94、GB13296-91产品执行标准生产,先进的钢管质量检测设备和工艺(水压试验、理化性能试验、液压万能拉伸试验、涡流探伤试验、超声波探伤试验等),具有极强的生命力很发展能力,社会责任心强,具有行业朝气,能够遵守市场规则,讲诚信,讲行业道德,热心公正对待每一位客户,本厂本着质量第一的原则为客户提供加工产品,生产各种类型的圆形不锈钢钢管,对应产品有钢笔管,天线管,针织管以及各类工业管。壁厚0.1mm--1mm 直径1mm--15mm,欢迎惠顾。不锈钢焊管产品主要用途:工业用不锈钢焊管:热交换器、石油、化工、化肥、医药设备、锅炉配件等。流体用不锈钢焊管:啤酒、饮料、牛奶、供水系统、医药设备等。结构用不锈钢焊管:汽车船舶配件、医疗器械、厨房设备、印染、印刷、纺织设备、建筑与装饰等。医疗器械行业注射用针管、医疗用工业管; 测温器导温管、传感器管、烧烤用温度计管、厨房用温度计管; 制笔行业用外套管、护芯管、天线套管、无线上网天线、仪器仪表、手机天线; 点胶针、吸管、钟表配件、工业电热管; 各种电子、工业用小直径精密不锈钢管。 The factory built with the early 1990s, with very strong vitality of capacity development, social strong sense of responsibility, a vibrant industry, to comply with market rules and stresses integrity, industry stresses ethics, enthusiastic treated fairly each customer, in a factory The quality of the first customers for the principle of processed products, production of various types of stainless steel tube radio, the corresponding products of the pen, the antenna, and the knitting of the various industries. Thickness 0.1 mm - 1mm diameter of 1 mm - 15mm, welcomed patrons. Stainless steel pipe products mainly used: Industrial Stainless Steel Pipe: heat exchangers, oil, chemicals, fertilizers, medical equipment, boilers and other accessories. Fluid stainless-steel pipe: beer, drinks, milk, water systems, medical equipment and so on. Stainless steel pipe structure: Shipping car accessories, medical equipment, kitchen equipment, printing and dyeing, printing, textile equipment, construction and decoration, and so on. |